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I Fagiolini
Rehearsals Monteverdi - Madrigals & Vesper
Næstved Early Music Festival 2018
Flaming Heart - Monteverdi Madrigali
Næstved Early Music Festival 2018
Fredrik Bock
Clare Wilkinson &Robert Hollingworth
I would kiss you, Philly, but know not where to place my kiss first, upon your lips or upon your eyes. Let lips yield to you, heavenly orbs, faithful mirrors of the heart, love’s living stars.
Ah, yet I turn to you, pearls and rubies, beauty’s treasure, fountain of sweetness, lips, the glory of a lovely face: from eyes tears are born, lips confer me a smile.
Matt Vernon-Long as Orfeo
"For you alone, lovely Eurydice, .."
Ciara Hendrick as Messagera
"Your beloved wife is dead"
Matt Vernon-Long as Orfeo
"oh, woe is me..."
Ciara Hendrick as Messagera
"She expired in these arms and I was left with my heart bursting with pity and horror"
The other Vespero - Monteverdi
Næstved Early Music Festival 2018
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